What is Digital Inclusion?

With phones, laptops, and computers capable of accessing all corners of the internet Gig East is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has equitable access to the internet and technology, as well as proper training and education on how to use both.

In order to better address digital inclusion, Gig East has created an in-depth for users of all skills levels — from beginners to professionals. Through this guide, individuals are able to learn skills on everything from sending emails to creating social media accounts to taking online courses.

Learn more through our blog posts, and get in touch with the Gig East team with any questions you might have.

Visit the Blog

Our blog features posts on how to grow and refine various internet-based skills depending on your familiarity and skill level.

Want to learn the basics about creating an email address, making a web search, and shopping online? The beginner blogs are right for you. Curious about making social media accounts, applying for jobs, and scheduling telehealth appointments? Browse our intermediate posts. Looking to grow your professional skills, get involved in finance, or start selling online? The advanced posts have the information you need.

Choose your skill level

More Resources

Questions? Contact Us

If you have any questions about using these online resources, navigating our guide, or anything else related to digital inclusion, reach out to the Gig East team today.

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